CBCA Book Week 2021

When I Am Brave

Composed by Luke Hunter and sung by Luke Belle & Jemima Eva

To play the song from our adaptation of Your Birthday Was The BEST! by Maggie Hutchings and Felicita Sala please click the play button below:


Verse 1:


Sometimes you wanna take a chance

But you have a fear of failing

Male:           You might just take a second glance

Both:           And then you end up bailing



But if you face up to your fear

An’ you see the things you could do

Female:        You’ll feel your courage grow



You’re on a roll

You’re in control

Now see how far you go

You’re flying now



Female:        Be brave

Male:                               You won’t give up

Female:        Be brave

Male:                               You won’t give in

Female:        Be brave

Male:                               You’ll face your fear and give it all you got

Female:        When you are brave

Male:                               Yeah, you won’t stop

Female:        Be brave

Male:                               You’ll come out on top

Female:        You’re brave

Male:                               You’re stronger when you give it your best shot

Both:           When you are brave


Verse 2:


When you’re moving on to a new school

You feel your heart is racing

Male:            You’re worried no one thinks you’re cool

Both:            Let’s flip the fears you’re facing



There will be someone like you here

And soon you’ll find your own crew

Female:        The first step’s say hello



You’re on a roll

You’re in control

Now see how far you go

You’re flying now


Chorus (roles switched):

Male:            Be brave

Female:                           You won’t give up

Male:            Be brave

Female:                           You won’t give in

Male:            Be brave

Female:                           You’ll face your fear and give it all you got

Male:            When you are brave

Female:                           Yeah, you won’t stop

Male:            Be brave

Female:                           You’ll come out on top

Male:            You’re brave

Female:                           You’re stronger when you give it your best shot

Both:           When you are brave




Can you name one thing you fear

That you’ve been too scared to do?


Think of the best thing that can happen

Not what you’ve got to lose


Step up and take the first step

Ask for help, don’t be shy

Male:           Put a plan into action

Both:           If you try you might just fly


Chorus (with words change):

Both:           I’m brave,

Male:                               I won’t give up

Female:        I’m brave,

Male:                               I won’t give in

Female:        I’m brave

Male:                               I’ll face my fear and give it all I’ve got

Female:        When I am brave

Male:                               Yeah, I won’t stop

Female:        I’m brave

Male:                               I’ll come out on top

Female:        I’m brave

Male:                               I’m stronger when I give it my best shot

Male:            When I am brave


Vamp for “OK everyone let’s learn the dance moves…”


1 x instrumental chorus to practice the dance moves.

Why not make your own moves up


Chorus (x 2):


I’m brave                I won’t give up

I’m brave                I won’t give in

I’m brave                I’ll face my fear and give it all I’ve got

When I am brave       Yeah, I won’t stop

I’m brave                I’ll come out on top

I’m brave                I’m stronger when I give it my best shot

When I am brave